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Thursday, January 6, 2011


I've just received the package of supplements today and I have them all set up to start on Monday. I hope I get some positive results.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

HEY do you like the fish?


1st day back to the gym

My friend Jaycie and I finally made it to the gym tonight. When I lost my debit card in Dec, I forgot that the gym was billing to that card, so I had to pay for Dec and a  $10.00 extra fee ...YIKES!!!!
But it felt good to get back on the treadmill. I am hoping to get there at least 3x a week.
I'm still waiting for my supplements to arrive ( we'll see if they work any magic). Oh by the way I made my 1st batch of almond-brown rice milk ...... boy, do I have a lot of work ahead of me ....it still doesn't taste like I though it would. I bought some dates and dried apricots to blend with the nut milk, but so far I'm still eating them as a snack. And I (unfortunately) discovered that the no-calorie vegetable sprays ( like PAM) have dairy in them ....bummer :(   The good news is that I found chicken-like cutlets at GIANT and they really taste like chicken.

TIME TO HIT THE SACK......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz